Ive been back at home in the South of France for a few weeks now, and one of the first things my mum asked me was if J and I wanted to go with her to this village festival thing for Bastille day. At the time, I said yes, but as it got closer and closer I wasn't very motivated to go because I thought it would be boring, but it actually turned out to be ok.

At this festival thingy, everything is outside. It's held in this big field and has loads of massive tables all lined up. My mum bought tickets which enabled us to reserve seats on one of the tables and actually have a meal provided by the people organising the event. I'm not gonna lie, the food was pretty gross. The starter was a selection of meat which was alright, the dessert was a selection of cheeses and a slice of apple tart which was really nice, but the main meal was so disgusting, it was a pig that had been roasted on a fire with some beans. Usually I'm alright with food like that, but this time was different because while J and me were walking around the field having a look around, we actually saw the pigs being cooked, which freaked me the hell out to see the little pigs going round and round on a stick above a massive fire, so that grossed me out, and to make matters worse, as soon as our food arrived, J decided to say "Look Gina, there's still blood on mine!". I swear, as soon as he said those words, I pushed my plate away. The beans weren't any better to be honest.
But at the end of the day we weren't there for the food, we were there for the celebration.

There was also a live band, they were alright, nothing special but they were quite amusing because they had their own little choreography which made me chuckle.

The best part of the night was hands down the fireworks at the end of the night. I've always always loved fireworks but weirdly enough I never thought to take photos of them until this night. I had forgotten my camera so all of the photos were taken with my iPhone, but the firework ones actually came out quite good!

So that's it, my Bastille day celebrations! This is the second year I've been to this festival thing, and whilst it is kinda fun, I feel like I've been there and done that, so next year I'll be looking for something a bit more wild let's say!



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