I'm baaaaack! I know its been ages, but I had such an amazing time in Greece that I'm STILL recovering!

Greece was amazing. There. I said it. It's frickin amazing. It's the best place EVER.
My holiday consisted of doing fun family activities during the day like going to the beach, going on boats, sunbathing by the pool, eating in great restaurants, and the evening and night consisted on partying hard in the town. Greeks be crazy. Like seriously. The Greek people I met there were completely mental and partied like I've never seen before. Every party just seems lame in comparison, but hey.

As for describing the whole holiday, well I think that would get a bit boring, so I'll just explain briefly what I did there, and then I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

We were staying in Evgenia Villas and Suites in Thira in Santorini. We had the most amazing villa, with the most amazing bathroom (yes, I looked straight at the bathroom again). We had a dressing table and a balcony, and really comfortable beds. My brother went to ask the assistant manager of Evgenia where we could party, turns out he decided to party with us and give us our own private tour of the nightlife in Santorini. It was crazy, like nothing I've ever seen before. As you walk down the tiny streets, you come across bar after bar after bar. They're kind of bar/clubs, because during the day it's a normal bar and then in the evening it gets way crazy and you feel like you're partying in a club. We went to 3 absolutely amazing clubs that I'll never forget, and I'm pretty sure I saw Chris Henderson, so ya know, always a plus.

During the day we explored the island and were amazed by the cheap prices (I got a pair of converse for 20 euros, which is insane. Don't think they're fake, but even if they are, they're amazing). We went of an all day boat trip which involved stopping off in beautiful locations and swimming in really deep seas (8 metres deep, gasp). We had a greek lunch on the boat and enjoyed the company of 6 other people we had never met before, it was great. We spent a day on the black beach which is named like that because it's covered in black sand (so hot to stand on, burnt my tootsies), I ordered calamari thinking it was gonna be those typical like rings covered in batter, turned out to be an actual fried squid. I almost puked. We went for dinner in Oia to see the sunset which wasn't all that great, and all in all we just had an amazing time. So here are the photos that will tell you a hell of a lot more about the trip than I ever could. Enjoy.

To start the holiday off, our plane was delayed an hour, so the pilot decided to let all of the kids see the cockpit. Don't think he expected to see a 19 and 22 year old in there, asking to touch all of the buttons. Time flew by though because he was such a nice person and spent a good 20 minutes talking to us about what it's like to be a pilot!

Typical Greek house. It's the cutest thing ever. 
A week in Greece and I still have no idea what yellow donkey / red donkey means. It was everywhere. 

The views. Oh my the views.

The sign that says Tango, is the first club we went to. Kick off to the best nights.

Someone obviously knew we were coming, because they graffitied my brothers name in an abandoned pool. Strange how graffiti looks gorgeous in Greece, of all places. 

These fish were going mental for this piece of bread. So strange to see. 

Sneak peek of my brother. 

Thought this was such a typical Greek photo.

You have no idea how long it took me to take this photo, and how wet I got doing so. 

Black beach. The lighting doesn't do the sand justice, it was genuinely black. 

The Thira sunset was by far the best. Screw people who say Oia has the best sunset, we checked it out, and Thira's in the best. 

Ok, I admit that Oia was pretty beautiful too. 

And the sunset wasn't tooooo bad either ;)

Wise words from the Greek.

Thira sunset. 

Fish spa. Weird, yet satisfying. 

After the fish spa, we were able to write on the walls. My brother got distracted because about 3 people were talking to him, which led him to making these spelling mistakes which are so hilarious. He's not actually 6, he's 22, but figured it would be less embarrassing if people thought he was a toddler who couldn't spell.

Last photo I took of Santorini, I already miss it there, but I'll definitely be back. 
Santorini was definitely my favourite family holiday yet. It's rare that we'll come back from one and decided there and then that we already want to go back, but this one was definitely special. Staying in Evgenia Villas and Suites definitely helped. Everyone there was so lovely and you really get treated like family. All you have to do is complain you're bored and all of a sudden you've got a whole day all planned out for you. Anything you need, the staff do (I wouldn't even call them staff now, they're friends). It really was a magical place and I can't wait to go back. I really want to take J there, I think he would love it.

The only thing left I have to tell you about this holiday is that I got a tattoo there. It's still healing because I only got it last week but once it's healed I'll see if I can get a good photo of it.

Right, I'm off to prepare for a meal tonight, toddles!



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