Hello there! 

As I mentioned in my first blog post, I recently moved country, and that country is the lovely Belgium! After weeks of making plans and lists and getting organised, I am finally settled in my apartment with all of my turquoise and cream furniture and it looks and feels very homely! So now that that's all out of the way, it gives me a lot more time to write my blog.

I have flown to Belgium a LOT in the past two years, so obviously I couldn't fly there this time seeing as I had a whole cars worth of furniture and things I needed to bring with me, so my mum decided we would drive there. From my home to Belgium, it's a good 10 hours of driving, and understandably it's not very pleasant to do all of that driving in one sitting, so my mum decided to put on her thinking cap and she researched different routes to get there. The one that she found was a complete roadtrip, leaving from France, going through Switzerland, Germany, Holland and then finally arriving in Belgium. I'm so glad she chose this route because it was a great experience! I've always loved long car rides so I wouldn't have minded in the slightest if we'd have just driven on the motorway for 10 hours, but I have to admit, the roadtrip made it that much more pleasant!

So the day was finally here, the 12th of September. I woke up, showered and did some last minute packing, said bye to my family and off we went at around 2pm. It was quite a funny experience, as the further North we went, the colder it got! Our first night was in this gorgeous hotel about 5 minutes from the France/Switzerland boarder, right next to Lake Geneva. The hotel wasn't massive, but we had a lovely room, and once we arrived, my brother discovered that our hotel room window opened out onto the roof! So of COURSE we felt like massive celebrities who had requested the roof terrace apartment and we decided to explore. Now I'm not 100% certain that this was really allowed, but hey, it was a ROOF, we HAD to explore! The view was absolutely amazing and put a massive smile on my face. That evening, we searched for a little restaurant and had a delicious dinner there (lasagna, mmmmm).

Excuse the blurryness but we were driving. Just a photo of a cornfield I saw and thought was really pretty!
My very artistic photo of my very lovely earrings one of my best friends gave to me before my big departure! 

A view of the roof top view, absolutely gorgeous!

This is Lake Geneva (well, a part of it at least). It was a gorgeous sunny day so we couldn't resist going down there to take a few snaps! 
This photo was taken once we had crossed the border into Switzerland. Look at the adorable goat and the view and the countryside and it's all so green and just aahhhhh it was beautiful!
May or may not have bought a stick-on Lindt Chocolate Heart...But all of the money went to a charity so that's my excuse for buying something completely unnecessary! 
First time I have EVER seen my name on a key-ring. I didn't even find my name in ITALY for goodness sakes and my name is ITALIAN! So obviously you can just imagine how overjoyed I was about this. (Excuse the chipped nail varnish)

The next day we set off early and carried on on our adventure, and this is where it gets to the good part. The drive that day was quite long, and when we finally arrived at our destination, my earphones came out, my camera got turned on and I was AMAZED! We stayed in a small village in Germany called Heidelberg (I hope I've spelt that right) and I felt like I was a student at Hogwarts! Not only did the hotel we were staying in look like The Leaky Cauldron, but even the streets looked very wizard-ish. We got there in the evening so the sky was dark blue and the street lights were on. We decided to get ready and go straight out for dinner seeing as we were absolutely famished, so while we were deciding on which restaurant to eat at, we walked up and down a very big road full of shops!
I ended up pointing out a very German restaurant, it looked like a dungeon inside and was very creepy and scary, but my oh my, the food was delicious! I had a goats cheese and spinach stuffed chicken breast with noodles and vegetables and apart from the pepper sauce, it was gorgeous! And to finish, I had apple strudle!

Upon our arrival in Heidelberg. The houses were all absolutely beautiful!
Yep, definitely in Germany...

It looked like Disney Land, ahhhh!
My yummy dinner, goats cheese and spinach filled chicken breast with home-made noodles and vegetables!

Yes, I'm one of those people who takes photos of their food. But LOOK AT IT! IT LOOKS AS DELICIOUS AS IT WAS!!
It just looked so German. I don't even know what it is but it looked German!

Blurry I know, but everything was just so magical, especially this street. It was lined with lots of different shops and restaurants.

This is where we had breakfast the next morning, in the hotels restaurant. It looks just so Harry Potter-ish it was great!

Ok, so I wasn't adventurous and I didn't have a German breakfast. But in my defense, it was early and the German breakfast consisted of 90% meat and that early in the morning, no thank you! So I decided to stick with a typial French breakfast complete with a croissant, jam, butter and a hot chocolate! *drools a little bit*

So after a good nights rest, it was time for the big drive. We had quite a few hours left to tackle, so we set off as early as possible (after enjoying a delicious breakfast, as you saw in the photos!) and made our way to Belgium. Once in Belgium, we relied on Google Maps to get us to the apartment in which my mum and brother were staying (damn GPS stopped working as soon as we left France, personally I think we deserve a pat on the back for doing that many hours in different countries and not getting lost!). That's where the roadtrip ended for me as that was the day I moved into my apartment, so after a week of having my mum and brother closeby, they set off and raced home in time for the football!

All in all it was a really great few days and I'm really happy my mum chose that route because I saw so many beautiful things! Right, story over, back to work! Hope you enjoyed this and have a lovely day, see you next time for a beauty post ;)

G x


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