When I first moved to France, my family and I would often hop in the car and spend days and days exploring all of the little villages and towns all around us. One of my absolute favourite places that we discovered, is this little village called Roquebrun. It's surrounded by the most beautiful river, that you can swim in. The village in itself is gorgeous as its on a really big hill, so all you need to do is lift your eyes to the sky and your vision will be filled with views of beautifully decorated houses.

Ever since I've been with J, I've wanted to take him here, but seeing as its 30 minutes away from my home, and you can only get there by car, it was kind of pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Finally, after 3 years, I was able to convince my mum and brother that we should all go out for dinner in Roquebrun, and straight away, everyone agreed.

On the drive there, we decided to first go to a little cafe we discovered by accident over 10 years ago, called Le Lézard Bleu (The Blue Lizard), owned by a lovely Dutch family. As soon as we arrived, we noticed that there was a rock concert going on opposite the cafe. As we went to explore, we quickly realised that the cafe was closed and only accessible to the artists. We didn't stay at the festival long because it hadn't even started yet, and our dinner reservation was in a couple of hours.

Rock festival. 

Blue Lizard.
So finally we made it to Roquebrun, and we were all so happy to be there. We went straight down to the river (which was PACKED!) and got our little tootsies wet. J started building a little dam in the middle of the river, and Jake (my brother) went off exploring, while my mum and I sat on the stones taking photos and soaking up the sun. Kinda got a bit obsessed with taking photos of the stones...

J decided to then go exploring himself, and unsurprisingly, fell in! I honestly wasn't surprised in the slightest, but could not stop laughing at him. 

We finished off the night by going to our favourite restaurant in Roquebrun, called Le Petit Nice, and we all tucked into our pizzas whilst enjoying the gorgeous view.



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