Have you ever been to a place in the world, and instantly fallen in love?

I grew up in the country, even now my family house is in the countryside in the South of France, so I had never experienced living in a city. Since I moved to Mechelen, I thought I had finally gotten that experience, but I was so wrong.

For the past few months I've been living in Antwerp, and it's safe to say that I finally understand city life, and couldn't be happier. I had been to Antwerp before, and had always found it beautiful, but there's something different about living there. It opens up so many new opportunities to see the city through a different point of view, and in my opinion, it's a lot better.

Every time I leave the house, my love grows for this wonderful city. It has so much to offer. There is of course all of the touristy attractions like in every big city, which I do admit are all absolutely gorgeous, but if you look a little deeper you can discover some breathtaking places.

In my time here, I have been out a lot but still haven't experienced everything. I've been to cute little coffee bars with a decor so original and magical it looks like it's just come out of a fairytale book, I've been out dancing in a 1950's bar that's so out of place that it transports you into a different time, I've been to see live bands in grungey bars, to have coffees in a completely hipster cafe, I've been to an abandoned church and to a magnificent port. You name it, I've done it, and I'm far from finished exploring.

Here are just some of the photos I've taken during my months here. Every time I leave the house I end up taking a hundred more photos, so I'll be writing more blog posts about Antwerp for you all to see more of it. Enjoy.

Antwerp port.

British ship in the harbour.

British ship.

British ship.

Beautiful church surrounded by beautiful houses.

View from the terrace. Hot air balloon in the background. 

This is the life.

Told you it was beautiful.


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