This post is going to be the last one about London, because after this day, we really didn't do much. The next day was our last day in London, so we got up early, said bye to our friends and then headed down to Saint Pancras station where we devoured Boots and a Starbucks!

After dragging ourselves out of the Tower of London, we decided to head on down to Picadilly Circus, where we saw these very talented young men have a little dance-off. One guy was walking along, and randomly decided to join in on the fun, and he was such a great dancer!

I desperately wanted to have dinner in China Town, the atmosphere was so amazing because it was only about one week away from Chinese New Year, and whilst walking down the street, all the food looked and smelled amazing! Sadly though, we didn't end up eating there.

We decided to walk to my friends apartment in some part of London, whilst the parents went and bought some lovely food. Walking around London at night was definitely one of the best moments of my trip. I don't even know why it was so enjoyable, but I loved it nonetheless. On the way back, I asked if we could walk through Shoreditch, because I had heard such amazing things about this place, and I definitely wasn't disappointed!

So annoyed about this one. I THINK it's  Banksy, but we were leaving in a hurry and it turned out blurry!!!

Excuse the photos that turned out blurry, I haven't gotten a complete handle on my camera and for some reason most of my photos turn out blurry at night!

So there we go, my entire London trip in 5 blog posts. I had the best time! I definitely want to go back there again soon, and really make the most of my time there. This time around, we were with another family so we couldn't explore everything in the super speed manner that my family usually does it in, so next time I go I'll definitely visit everything possible!!



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