Hello again!

So after our exciting day in London in the previous blog post, it motivated us all to get up early and head into the centre, to do some proper exploring! 

We started off by deciding to walk into the centre rather than taking the tube, why we did this? Who knows. But it was fun none the less and we saw some great views! 

Once we got to the Tower of London, we decided to have a little look in a shop before grabbing some lunch. There were so many people in the shop, so I decided to have a peak upstairs and found this absolutely gorgeous Tea display.

Our tummys started rumbling, so what better idea than to get some fish and chips? They were absolutely delicious and filled us up for the rest of the day.

Personally, the Tower of London wasn't an amazing experience for me. It was really interesting and we had a great tour guide, but after a while it got a little bit boring and my feet started to hurt. I did however take a few nice pictures!

We must've spent a solid 4 hours in the Tower of London, which was definitely more than enough for me! 

In the next post, I'll fill you in on what we got up to during the evening!



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