After having recovered from our night out, we all got up and showered and headed out the door, to go and do some exploring.

We were all really hungry, so decided to take the tube and go eat at Gourmet Kitchen Burger. The food was absolutely delicious, and if I could, I would go back there again right this second!

This bad boy got me around London all day. 
I don't know why, but I absolutely love seeing double decker buses in London. Always brings a smile to my face!
Ladies and gentlemen, Trafalgar Square.

After walking around for ages, we finally found it! I had the Smokin' Joe and it was quite literally mouthwatering!
Here I am staring longingly at the menu.

How cute is this ketchup bottle!
Sweet potato chips and a garlic sauce, absolute heaven. I would've taken a photo of my burger, but I was too busy inhaling it.
The "female" sign in the restrooms, made me chuckle!
After finishing our delicious meal, we headed off to Covent Garden. I had never been before so was really excited!

Very proud of this photo!
Really wish we could've eaten here, but we were all so full after our burgers. 
This place definitely brought back childhood memories! 
Random sign that I thought was really nice. 
I may have only taken a photo of this place because I remembered a certain couple of Youtubers getting a milkshake from here... 
Whilst I was busy taking photos of literally everything I saw, everyone decided to do a disappearing act on me and my brother eventually directed me towards this coffee and tea museum type thing. Not sure at all what it was, but it was really nice inside.

We then headed up to the Jubilee Market. For some strange reason, I wasn't allowed to take any photos in there, but here are a few I sneakily took.

After having looked at pretty much every stall there, and being scared to death by a fake spider, we headed over to Oxford Street. I didn't take very many photos there at all because it was bitterly cold.

This pub looked absolutely amazing, I was so jealous of the people inside!

My brother, myself and my mum. All cold and wet, and looking forward to getting into our pjs with a cuppa!

Here's the only photo I took in Oxford Street. I couldn't resist, it just looked so cool!

So after a long day out and about, we ended the day by popping into M&S, getting a yummy dinner and then collapsing on the sofas!



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