So in my last post, I talked about arriving in London, seeing our apartment and then partying on a boat on the Thames.

Once we left the boat, we all headed over to The Walkabout next to the Thames. We had such an amazing time, everyone that I met was so lovely and interesting, there was quite literally never a dull moment!

Queue drunken, unfocused photos!

Aaaand here we can admire my photography skills! We claimed this table as our "spot" after ripping up a "reserved" card on the table. Thankfully, we were able to spend a good few hours here until the people who had booked the table arrived. 
What would a night out be, without the drunken selfie?
Here we have my brother, either singing, laughing or talking, not sure which. 
Evie and Chris, the two lovely ladies! And there's Evie's cousin Amy in the background, really getting into the music!

Now, I can't for the life of me remember the names of the two chaps on the left and right (sorry boys, if you're reading this!) but in the middle is Ally, my friend who graduated Uni.
Here's Evie and I again.
Chris and Jake looking all gangsta and what not.
Chris making me feel like a midget with her long legs!

Siblings reunited!
I do not recall this photo ever being taken...
More drunk selfies!
One big drunken group of friends!
The lovely Amy and I.
From left to right: Evie, me, Chris.
I can't even explain. 
My brother is so camera friendly!
My brother and I with our new friend.
I absolutely love this photo!
Yet another drunken selfie...
Me and my new friend. Not gonna lie, took about 5 photos to get us to actually get a good photo.
The siblings again!
Not a clue.
Trying not to fall up the stairs to our apartment at god knows what o'clock!
And that concludes our really amazing night out at The Walkabout. I would definitely recommend this bar to you. During the day it's just a normal bar/pub, but soon as it gets dark, the tables get removed and the whole place fills up with people and it feels just like a nightclub, really really great atmosphere and people! So if you're ever in London and looking for somewhere to go, this is the place for you!



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