The end of the summer is approaching us (dare I say it), so I thought it would be nice to have a little look back on a little holiday I went on with my mum about a month ago. We were only there for a one day and one night, but it was lovely none the less.

One of the (many) upsides of living in the South of France, is that it's SO close to Spain. An hour and a half in the car and you're there, so bearing this in mind, mum and me decided to pop down to Roses (Rosas) for a little getaway.

Once we got there, we checked into our hotel and went for a walk around to find a nice little restaurant to eat in. We found one pretty much straight away considering how hungry we were, and got an avocado and prawn cocktail salad each, along with a variety of tapas, and washed it all down with some delicious desserts, a cr ème brûlée for me, and a strawberry cheesecake for mum. By the time we were done we decided to have a little sit down on the beach, which was PACKED!

It was lovely none the less and we enjoyed ourselves, before heading back to the room to get ready for dinner. My family and I have been going to Roses for years, so we know our way around pretty well. A few years ago we all went to this beautiful posh restaurant that did the most amazing food, so of course, we went out searching for it. We were walking for 40 minutes along the beach searching for this restaurant, where we saw that there were so many - what I can only describe as - professional sandcastles! I had completely forgotten about the fact that at night, professional sandcastle makers line the beaches and make the most amazing sandcastles you've ever seen! One even had its own little swimming pool!

After taking what seemed like a hundred photos, we finally found it and sat down for dinner, and we weren't disappointed. They brought us Aioli, a traditional garlic dip that is EVERYWHERE in Spain, as well as some olives. For the main course, I opted for duck and my mum had this delicious pasta filled with sun dried tomatoes and a lot of garlic. We ordered some cocktails, a Tequila Sunrise for me and a Mojito for mum, as well as some local wine. We then shared a strawberry cheesecake type thing and were given some free champagne, result!

The next day, after waking up to the sound of the waves that were just meters away from our hotel, we hurried out to explore the shops. I really couldn't believe how many amazing shops there were. There seemed to be two streets, one for the high end shops and one for the independent shops, and I have to say, the independent ones were by far the best. We spent most of our time in this one shop just buying and buying and buying! The prices were really reasonable as well, so of course that made us happy! After a couple of hours of shopping it was time to hit the road again to go home, but of course we couldn't leave on an empty stomach, so we stopped off at a little cafe and ate some questionable sandwiches!

Shout out to the hotel for having a bath!


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