
Having lived in England for 7 years and often visited it, I am so so so sad to say that I had only ever been to London once, and that was when I was a very small child so I can't actually remember any of it anyway! I really wanted to go into the center of London and go shopping and exploring, but sadly, I didn't have time for that during my trip to England recently.

HOWEVER! Whilst my dad was driving me back to St Pancras station to catch my train, he took the wrong turning and we ended up driving past Big Ben, the London Eye, Mi5 (in James Bond) and through Trafalgar Square. I was SO happy and took loads of photos!
Thankfully, I've already got another trip to London booked for the end of January for my friend's graduation so I reaaallly hope I'll have time to go exploring! But in the meantime, here are some photos for you to enjoy!

On our way to London, we drove through this gorgeous little village (Forgotten it's name, sorry!) which had a lot of Christmas decorations up. One of my favourite things about this lovely place, is that they had put fairy lights in the trees! The photo doesn't do them justice of course but I wish I would've been there in the evening when they would've been turned on, I think it would've been so so pretty, so I'll have to find that village and go back next year! 

Yes, I have to admit it, seeing this sign made me EXTREMELY excited! 

I have never been to London zoo, but two close friends of mine went about a year ago and they said it was absolutely amazing. That's definitely going on the To Do In London list!

As we were driving through London looking for the station, my dad all of a sudden said "Look Gina it's Mi5!" to which I laughed my head off at, until he said, "No Gina, I'm serious! That's Mi5 in James Bond!" so I looked up and he was right. Very exciting! 

Seeing Big Ben in the distance gave me goosebumps!

I must've looked like a right old tourist, but as soon as we were close enough, I snapped about 50 photos of Big Ben!

Aaaaand now you can enjoy an extremely dodgy picture of the London Eye, great photography skills there Gina ;)

No idea what this place is or if it's even remotely interesting, but it sure looked cool!

We made it to Trafalgar Squaaaaare yay!

Seeing London really put a big smile on my face, so I am definitely going to make an effort to explore it by foot, very soon!



  1. I too live in England (and have done my whole life) but rarely venture into Central London but when I do, I am a complete tourist as well!! Haha x

    1. Haha, I'm going back there at the end of the month and am going to make sure I've bought a camera before then so I can be the ultimate tourist and take photos of everything! xxx

  2. I really like your blog - keep up the good work!


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